Samadhi Flow Yoga is an organic blend of nature-inspired elemental Vinyasa yoga, breathwork and somatic movement.

Kat, has over 20 years of experience, guiding students through fun fluid sequences to release stress, muscle tensions and emotional blockages to create optimum health and inner peace. The classes flow with the rhythms and forms of nature creating a space for deep healing and expansion of the heart.

This style of yoga is ideal for back, neck & spinal health, core strength, relaxation, fitness, boosting your immune system, hormonal balance and caters for beginners to advanced. Samadhi Flow Yoga strengthens and tones your body, but at the same time, the movement feels so good and comes so naturally that you flow into a meditative state, a higher consciousness, bliss...


Meet Our Teachers


Soma Flow Yoga/ Heart Breath/

Integrative Soma Therapy/ Ecstatic Embodiment Dance

Kat Ford

Kat is a heart led yoga therapist, ecstatic dance and breath work facilitator with over 20 years’ experience developing and teaching a unique ‘island style’ of Elemental vinyasa yoga, Somatic movement therapy and Ecstatic embodiment dance. Kat is also the founder of Samadhi Island Yoga and Tantra Retreats, located on stunning North Stradbroke Island.

Kat lives in deep commune with TERRANGEE (North Stradbroke Island) and the Lemurian (Oceanic) realms. This connection is integral in her evolution and offerings as a teacher and healer. The practices are very grounded, yet playful and fluid, exploring the elements of our true nature. Kat's teachings are profoundly healing, energetically, emotionally and physically and include therapeutic practices for the back, neck and spine, heart awakening, activation of shakti and conscious expansion. Her classes are an organic infusion of movement, breath, meditation and sound held in a safe and supportive sacred space.

Kat has been a vibrant devotee of plant-based living for over 25 yrs. She integrates ancient wisdom (Ayurveda) and scientifically sound information (BaSCI) to form a foundation for SOMA HEALTH AND WELLBEING. Kat is passionate about sharing the keys of plant based super nutrition along with delectable plant-based recipes.

Samadhi Flow Yoga Sananda Rise

Yoga, Energy Healing & Bodywork | Free Spirit Medicine

Sananda Rise

Sananda Rise Ocean Earth Yoga / Energy / Sound Healing / Bodywork Sananda has been a practising yogi for well over 20 yrs and has 10 years of teaching Bringing together Hatha flow, Vinyasa and Ashtanga. Nature is her deep love. She is extremely passionate about breathwork and movement integrating different forms throughout her teaching. Ultimately finding deep peace within and freedom. Sananda is a nature-loving feminine who feels deeply about unity within and each soul finding what truly makes us smile we can share and shine for humanity. Her sharing is an organic blend of all of these beautiful teachings that she feels support and awaken all senses to the flow of nature within... Over the years also holding Soul Freedom retreats, facilitating Samadhi Retreats and others. Sananda has studied many forms of massage over the years, from Lomi Lomi, Balinese, Thai Reiki etc Channelling, sacred sound song healing. Over the years her deep journey to both physical and spiritual healing has become her only true path. Growing up on the West Coast of SA her heartfelt the calling of Mother Earth and our beloved Oceans. Over the years of meeting many Medicine healers globally, she realised that her love wasn't just a calling it is was her path and medicine to share. Over the past 5 years, Sananda has also been working with sisters on there personal rising through womb healing circles and day retreats. Working with trauma pain and loss. Her ultimate love for all to come home to there sovereignty and live a life of purpose and freedom...

A life that loves Mother Earth Unity, Love Freedom Sananda Medicine Woman.

Samadhi Flow Yoga Sun Akquilah Lehoiatua

Results Coach | Peak State Mentor | Alchemical & Metaphysical Researcher

Sun Akquilah Lehoiatua

Embodying his name, Sun is both a symbol and catalyst for transformation and is an infectious example of self-empowerment and creating your own destiny. Transforming and recreating himself several times over Sun has been a successful and highly sought after senior engineer in industry leading aviation and renewable energy engineering companies and has since moved into the fields of Human Fulfilment and HOPE - Holisticly Optimised People Engineering. In the electrical engineering fields Sun advised and supported teams of technicians in the design, construction and rewiring of aircraft and renewable power generation systems. In these roles one of his most valuable skills was his ability to quickly map complex systems and provide simple instructions for people to work with. Sun has merged these powerful observation, analysis and design integration abilities with the worlds most effective peak state practices, personal change techniques and ancient wisdoms taught by the likes of Dr David Haricharan, Dr Wayne Dyer, Dr Deepak Chopra, Tony Robbins, Thich Nhat Han, James Redfield, Kaye Halligan, Skarlet Lu Realta, Benjamin Harvey and Little Sparrow (B. Harvey’s Shamanic Teacher). Rewiring aircraft, power systems and your brain are simple steps for a man who has spent his entire life looking at how we relate to the multi-verse and our influence within it.

Samadhi Flow Yoga Skye Cilia

Oracle Womb Temple | Ancient Mother - Dance her cycles of life

Skye Cilia

Skye holds Oracle Womb Temple a sacred wombn ceremony to awaken to the practices’s of the true feminine nature involving chanting, breath-work, movement, dance and sacred rituals. She guides circles of wombn in deep feminine embodiment practices to birth their visions, dreams, gifts and medicine.


Eco Principles & Sustainability 


Low Waste


We recycle and compost 95% of our waste

Low Carbon Footprint


We source local organic fruits, veg, nuts and seeds. We thrive on plant based nutrition, having a minimal impact on our environment. We walk, carpool, bike-ride and use public transport where possible.

Organic Farming


95% of the food used is organic. This means less chemicals in our environment and more harmony for our bee populations.

Eco Yoga Mats & Clothing


We use coconut yoga mats and sustainable yoga wear from We love clothes swapping too!

Island Permaculture


We grow many of our own greens, herbs, medicinal plants and papaya and collect bush tucker when available

Eco Accommodation


Samadhi Retreat is currently hosted at Banksia retreat house and Samadhi guesthouse, both are purpose built green homes, using the eco architecture to cool the house in summer and utilise natural lighting. The houses also have a rainwater tanks for the garden and toilets.

Nature’s Playground


At Samadhi the adventures are ecologically sustainable including nature walks, whale watching, swimming in the lagoons, surfing, snorkelling and of course yoga on the beautiful beaches.

Book a Class or Workshop today